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A parade of pupils and cadet corps on Sunday 6th March, 2022 marched to commemorate Ghana’s 65th Independence Anniversary at Dzolokpuita the District capital under the theme: ” Working together, Bouncing back better”.

The march past witnessed eleven (11) schools made of five (5) primary schools, six (6) Junior High Schools with two second cycle cadet corps from Dzolo Senior High School and Tsito Secondary Tech. School and their brass band. The cadet corps engaged in drill displays to the admiration of the gathered crowd.

The District Chief Executive, Hon. Ernest Victor Apau, the District Police Commander and the District Director of Education took the salute after the inspection of the parade.

Delivering the keynote address, the District Chief Executive, Honourable Ernest Victor Apau noted that the country needs peace and unity especially during the post-recovery COVID-19 era as well as the global crisis to achieve the developmental agenda in order to improve upon the standard of living of the people in the country. He took the opportunity to highlight some major projects that will help propel the growth and development of the district.

Hon Ernest Apau disclosed that the DCE’s special initiatives on education dubbed self-learning model for basic schools and peer-learning for second cycle as well as the formation of tourism, environmental and sanitation Clubs in all schools will be launched to help improve education and sanitation in the district.

He further urged our traditional authorities, opinion leaders and all other stakeholders to unite in ensuring that citizens are law abiding to champion the transformational agenda in the District. He also advised the youth to desist from social vices such as drug abuse, alcoholism, crimes among others that will jeopardize their future.

For his part, the Member of Parliament for Ho West, Hon. Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah whose speech was read on his behalf called on citizens to work in unity, live in harmony and have respect for one another so that together we can work to change the narrative of the district.

All the schools were awarded with certificates of participation. Dzolokpuita D/A JHS Boys was adjudged the best marching school while Dzolo St Anthony Girls and Dzolo Gbogame E.P JHS Girls took second and third positions respectively.

The Ghana Health Service, the Ghana Ambulance Service and the Ghana Red Cross Society were stationed at the parade grounds to provide first aid and emergency cover for the school children.

Among the dignitaries present were the District Chief Executive, District Director of Education, District Coordinating Director, District Police Commander, Hon Assembly Members, Heads of Department, Chief of Dzolokpuita, Security Agencies, Clergy, teachers, school children and the general public.


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